how cute are flower crowns right now?!
i have been looking for the perfect occasion to wear one and with valentine's day coming up this week, i figured now is the perfect time!
these crowns are so simple to make and cheap also.
so embrace your inner girliness this valentine's and make one! :)
here is what you will need:
1. silk flowers - i got mine at joanns but if you have a hobby lobby nearby, they have a much larger selection. and of course you can also use fresh flowers!
2. florist wire - you can get this at wal mart or any craft store
3. florist tape - ok, so in the picture is the wrong type of tape. i didn't realize it was the wrong stuff until i started using it! you want to get the tape that is self-sealing, not waterproof! i have the right stuff pictured below. it is just so much easier to use.
4. wire cutters
5. scissors
(the best thing about making mistakes and having to go back to the store is being able to stop by dutch bros. duh! have you ever tried an orange infused green tea?? soooo good!)
step one
wrap the wire around your head to make the crown form.
it is best to leave the overlap fairly long so that you can twist the ends around to make your crown secure.
step two
cut the flowers with your wire cutters.
i left about an inch to two inches of stem so that there would be enough to wrap around the crown form.
i also organized my flowers by color and cluster so that i could evenly place them around the crown.
step three
place the flowers around the crown in the pattern that you want before you start taping.
if you're using big flowers, it's smart to tape those on first thing and then start building around them.
look in the mirror first and make sure that it doesn't look like you have teddy bear ears- i made that mistake!
just keep a mirror handy :)
step four
start taping the stems around the crown
step five
wear your crown and look pretty!!