Friday, January 27, 2012

i was framed...

i'm sorry that i have been gone for so long.
these last few weeks have been so crazy!
i started school last week on the seventeenth (booo).
then kaleo came home on friday and we spent the weekend at his cabin in cascade with his little brothers.
it was one of those weekends where everything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong.
let's just say that it all started when our truck got stuck in the snow on our way up.
this happened about a mile away from the cabin.
being after 1 a.m., we couldn't get a tow truck to get us out.
so we walked.
in about three feet of unplowed snow...
(you know you're out of shape when you're so tired that you don't even care to lay flat in the snow as soon as you see your destination.) 
only to get to the cabin about an hour later and realize that we had no dry clothes since we couldn't carry our bags up... 
and that's where it all started.
but i have to say, because of the memories that we made, it was worth it.
i just wish that i would have had my camera!
i also tried skiing for the first time during our little trip (after about six years of snowboarding, i finally gave up).
only i realized that guess what?
skiing is so hard!
it is definitely not easy like it looks.
and to all of you snowboarders who say that snowboarding is so much harder than skiing, have you ever tried skiing?
i was even in tears at one point during the day, just ask kaleo.
embarrassing, i know.
i think it's time that i give up on all snow sports.
but anyways...
it's the end of my third year at boise state and i'm realizing that every semester gets harder and harder.
(wouldn't it be nice if it got easier??)
so i've spent every night with my nose in my text books.
but tonight i finally got a break!
so here's what i did...

ok, so let me explain a little.
for a while now i have wanted to start an etsy shop.
but with so little time, it hasn't really happened.
a few weeks ago my mom and i went thrift shopping to find things that we could fix up and sell on etsy.

so at one store i found this frame that i fell in love with...

i wasn't sure what i had in mind for this little frame, but i decided that it would look good spray painted pink.
'cause let's face it, i'm a pinkaholic.
everything looks better pink!

so my mom got a silhouette cameo machine for christmas.
it was time that i gave it a shot.
(for those of you who don't know what this is, it's a machine that cuts vinyl, fabric, paper, etc. using templates that you create, or buy online. )
so i picked out a few fabrics and a design that i thought would go perfect in my frame.
guess what design i picked?
a silhouette cameo.
so first i ironed on some fabric adhesive to the back of my fabric that would be cut into the cameo.
the adhesive was cut to size, and ready for the machine...

now my design was cut, and ironed onto the background fabric...

i then cut the fabric to fit my frame, hot glued the edges around the back, and bam!
 i've just made myself a cameo frame...
what do you think, is it good enough to sell on etsy?


  1. Fabulously creative and definitely good enough to sell on Etsy!

    Your weekend sure sounds like one to remember - happy Friday!

  2. how cute is that! Thanks for following us at you&me+3

  3. Oh wow! So cute. You should definitely try selling them.
    Love your blog, by the way. Following!! :) xo

  4. You know I'm honestly amazed at how talented you are at this. Seriously. This is crazy.

  5. I love how you had the vision for the frame--I would have never thought to spray paint it! so genius! xoxo {av}

  6. Yes!! I would buy that in a heart beat!
    Keep up the creativity!

    Much love, Vivi

  7. Turned out way cute, Megs! How large is that frame? Yes, very creative!

    Love ya!
